Perfect Storm took on the production of the films, led by André Valenti Gaspar as director, bringing his creative vision and extensive cinematic experience. Renato Marques, the Emmy-winning Art Director and exceptionally skilled 3D Artist, lent his expertise to elevate the craft of the films. DaHouse Audio and Fred Pinto Ferreira were responsible for the music production harnessing the unique sounds of the Coke SoundZ instrument. The team at Perfect Storm collaborated in harmony with AKQA Group, combining skills and efforts, to ensure that every detail of the production met the highest standards of quality and creativity.

Phst. Clink. Fizz. Glug. Ahh... The sounds of Coke Zero Sugar trigger a satisfying feeling in our brains. Now, these distinctive sounds and the science behind them have been infused into an AI, creating the world's first instrument that plays only uplifting sounds.

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Client: The Coca-Cola Company

Agency: AKQA Group

Production Company: Perfect Storm Studio

Director: André Valenti Gaspar

Executive Producer: André Gaspar and Mariana Marques

3D Artist: Renato Marques

Music Production: DaHouse Audio and Fred Pinto Ferreira

DoP: Ricardo Magalhães

Editor: Sérgio Pedro

An innovation endeavour only possible thanks to the visionary care of Pratik Thakar, Islam ElDessouky, Tina KATARIA, Yugo Motta Aragão, Oana Vlad, Joshua Schwarber, Joshua Burke, and the incredible The Coca-Cola Company.

Plus the incredibly talented Akqa team and partners: Bianca Dordea, Andrew Keller, Jabari Hearn, Kyla Jacobs, Mauricio Dias, Eduardo Nosé, Erika Reyes, Bruno Bizuti, Luisa Gabaldi, Bruno Leite , Diego Machado, Carlos Matias, Felipe Yamaoka, Matt Autton, Krista Durchman, Mariana Franco, Luiza Medeiros, Anderson Lima , Will Verity, Jake Dale-Brown, Jane Fearnley, Sharon Hardwick, Rosie Conboy, Samuel Baker. Lucas Mayer from the amazing DaHouse Audio.

#CokeSoundZ The Coca-Cola Company, AKQA, WPP


André Gaspar - Younger Promo - Memories


André Gaspar - Yo Yo Ma